First Review . May it be the best ..
Stolen grounds apprehended by the zombies . Time broken, sincerity teared into pieces . Prosperity has been extinguished through unlawful actions through selfish eyes . How can one seek power, if power is about being alone .. The world is a whole, we are not . Our schism is the whisper sof our world's cries . Us humans, as such are all puzzle pieces tot he complex puzzle before us, standing through it's judgemental stactures . Lies, melting innocence . Words obstructed by inlively articulations .. May the beast live, as they will feast, on the already deceased . Only may us, the ones who are standing upon the grounds of darkness, stronger then ever may slay the beast, as we are the beast aswell .. We can control it .. Emotions, are our twisted notions smothered by ourselves .. ''People drown in their oceans more then the seas ..''
- Aphotic Athanasy -